Swapping “do’s and don’ts” can vary from council to council, but there are basic rules that everyone should be aware of and follow so there are no hurt feelings.
Swaps to be traded should be carried in a ziplock bag with the camper’s name and unit number on it or a fanny pack. Swaps that are pinned to someone’s hat are generally considered off-limits unless they are offered to you as a trade.
It is considered rude if you refuse to swap with someone who asks you. It is also a bit rude if you demand a swap from someone who has a popular swap such as Gecko’s very coveted swaps. She makes as many as she can and will often times run out before camp is over.
If you don’t like the item you have been given, or already have an identical Swap from a different girl, accept it politely, and give them one of yours with a Girl Scout smile. ALWAYS say thank you! A Girl Scout strives to be courteous.
It is also wonderful if you give someone a Swap who doesn’t have one to give in return. That is what being a Girl Scout is all about.